
Trailer for coding of a concrete animal

A nifty little trailer for my first novel:
Coding of a concrete animal: the Billy Michaels story

This book chronicles the extraordinary life, exploits and adventures of Billy Michaels. Born into a family steeped in nefarious deeds and activity, Billy's fate was cast from the cradle, questioning whether it's genetics that provides a life pattern, or just fate.

Billy learns the hard way that by fulfilling his bloodline's destiny, a life of crime and violence can get you where you want to be. Proving the fact that brain can beat brawn, schoolboy Billy falls in as a leader of the local gang, moving from demanding treats with menace from local vendors to running the neighbourhood drug trade. Billy, learning the tricks of his predestined trade from masters in the field, proves to be quite adept and effective in this endeavour.

As his firm work their way up the criminal food chain, their futures appear to be nothing more than a litany of successful and profitable capers, events as they would have anticipated weren't exactly as they expected. After the overdose of one of his closest friends, Billy embarks on a drunken path of violent redemption, which leads him to the dark world of vice and security. By the time the end comes to his teenage years, Billy has witnessed death, experienced loss, repaid emotional debts and found the true meaning of sacrifice.

This is the story of Billy Michaels, his East End heritage and his love for his brothers and extended family. A family that becomes at odds with choices made and sides taken within the criminal world that serves to destroy the oaths and family ties made by love and blood. As all their unflinching attitudes to life and the acceptance of 'normality' which those on the outside may think immoral and destructive become common practise. This is the Billy Michaels story, the animal from the concrete jungle.

BIGGS - THE FACTS!!! By Tel Currie

Hi All,

You may have realized there has been a lot of news about Ronnie Biggs in the media lately... Most of it completely inaccurate!

As you may or may not know, my friend Mike Gray and I have written a book published by Apex called 'Ronnie Biggs- The Inside Story' Using his word board, Ronnie has given us (Myself, Mike and often Roy Shaw.) The TRUTH!

1) Ronnie NEVER even set foot upon the train. He was on the grass verge with a spare train driver who turned out to be useless!

2) People constantly say that the train driver Jack Mills was killed by injuries sustained by the train. Mills actually died SEVEN YEARS LATER OF LEUKEMIA.... No disrespect, but where is the link to the robbery and Mills tragic death? If he was that hurt, how did he get back behind the train controls and drive it to where Reynolds wanted it when Ron's driver turned out to be useless??? Like it or not... It was all propaganda!!

3) It's a fact that three of the robbers got away and have not been caught up till this day. One of the three that was never even suspected was the one who coshed Jack Mills... FACT!!
Every train robber held their silence. Imagine that today, they would climbing over each over to make statements!!! So, they got thirty years for a man who was not even on trial!!

4) In the words of the leader Bruce Reynolds "Ronnie was the tea boy" he was at the bottom of the chain! Some reports have Ron as the 'robbery mastermind' even Ron laughed at that!

5) The robbery was NOT an armed robbery. Reynolds insisted on NO guns or knives!

6) If Ronnie was a hardened villain,why did he not make money from crime in Brazil like Charlie Wilson did in Spain and a lot of others have done all over the world, or ended up in the drug world like Wilson, Tommy Wisbey and Eddie Richardson?

He chose instead to make self-deprecating T shirts and other dignity stripping souvenirs,that's what made it look like he was taking the pi** out of the system but he was trying to promote T-Shirts with things like 'I met Ronnie Biggs in Brazil.' he would rather be self deprecating than go back into crime!! Ronnie wasn't a villain, he was actually a carpenter.

7) The idea of prison is rehabilitation/change for the better. How can you can more than a young man climbing over the wall 40 odd years ago, to a man who can't talk (He uses a letter board!), can't eat (tube in the stomach), Can't drink (through a drip!) Can barely walk (Wheelchair!), Caught MRSA,'is seen as a threat to society!' Even if released, he would be in his own prison but tax payers won't have to pay for it....Can you change more than that!

8) ALL these idiots that say 'He should stay in prison' I have talked too do NOT know their facts or done any research, they are stumped after 2 minutes! You, know, EMPTY VESSELS MAKE THE LOUDEST NOISE!!!!

Opinions are a reward for knowing your facts, everyone is entitled to them but I think they should be earned by research!

There's so many things I don't know about, so if it comes to something I don't know, I listen and research.But most people just shout crap out!!

The facts on here by the way, come from myself, Mike Gray, Mike Biggs and Roy Shaw who are Ron's most regular visitors. Also, Freddie Foreman - who hid all the train Robbers and got them out of the country. (Fred knows and knew EVERYONE... But he had never heard of Ronnie... Just proves how big a villain Ron was!), Bruce Reynolds, ALL the 'Chaps' and even screws on visits who don't think he should be in there!

We ALWAYS question the screws and they can never believe he's in there!!

9) The system will wait until they know Ron has got about 3 weeks left and then release him on compassionate grounds. That way they look humane and Ron's out of their hair! The same thing happened with Reg Kray. (Strangely, also in Norwich!) and NOT ALL the train robbers served 30 years, 'Buster' Edwards got 15 years but never served it all.

10) Just to let you know, There is a lot of talk about Ron's so called 'friends' taking bribe money to make sure Ron didn't change his mind and got on the plane,knowing he was going straight to prison!! A LOT of 'Heavy Duty Chaps' have the hump and say Ronnie was handed over like a cow for cash!!

Thank you to Mike Gray, Mike Biggs, Ronnie Biggs, Roy Shaw, Paul Knight, Jamie O'Keefe, 'All the decent chaps' And the man I really admire- Mal Vango!

'RONNIE BIGGS - THE INSIDE STORY' by Tel Currie and Mike Gray - foreword by Roy Shaw, published by apex is out now.

Check these two links.




Thank You
Tel Currie


Innocent Death

Many years ago, I made a conscious effort to change my life, to turn my back on a world that only ever offered two choices, Jail or death neither of them really floated my boat so I did what I needed to do to make the changes happen. It was hard at first, you’re used to a certain reaction when something happens and you respond accordingly but that response doesn’t fly in the Joe Norn world of day jobs, taxes and day to day responsibilities. I made mistakes, big ones trying to adjust, to fit in, I still do... some cost me more than I like to admit, others are small enough to learn from and rectify. I tell myself that it all goes towards helping me grow as a person and become a balanced role model for my kids and future grandkids, that violence isn’t the answer to every problem. I now deplore violence, I’m happy to never be faced with it again and if that means being branded a coward, a pussy, a fraud then so be it... I can live with that, I can’t live with being dead... the names called and labels given are just words, and as someone driven by writing I see them for what they are. In the 12 years I spent working the doors, I must have been insulted around a 50 times a night, 6 nights a week... do you honestly believe that something is going to be said that hasn’t been said before? And verbally attacking my family, really... why get annoyed, are the slurs true???? Hell no, so why bite? A cool head will always prevail over a hot one... no I’m happy to grow up and leave my past in the past, where it belongs... away from the eyes of those whose opinions matter the most to me and that is my children. A fist is nothing but a closed hand that is unable to accept the gifts that an open palm can... I’m not trying to disown my actions as a younger man, I wasn’t a nice person, and I hung around with equally or worse people and was in a world where violence and death were real outcomes to stupid and simple situations... I saw a total of 23 deaths in a short space of time, mindless and pointless but accepted.

I suppose the reason behind me seeing the flaws in a world that I was part of (and still have friends and associates that still go around and around those circles) is that I was of an age that I understood the consequences, I knew what the reality of my actions were and knew how to move on. This week however, brought home the other side to it all, when you don’t understand or grasp the reality of death... where compassion rather than coldness is required, and the tears of innocence brings you more pain than any amount of violence could.

Whilst most of Britain was enjoying the benefits that a snow day brought on Monday (02.02.09), my youngest daughter’s friend Holly died from Meningitis, she had only recently turned 5. Other than seeing Holly the odd time in the playground when picking up my kids from school, I didn’t know her or her parents but my little girl Paige did. She attended Holly’s birthday party in October of last year, where Holly looked a picture of health after a 5 year battle with Leukaemia, she had finally been given the all clear, and she had a prosperous life ahead of her. However on the weekend leading up to the nation’s snow day happiness, Holly contracted a form of Meningitis that robbed her of all her hopes and dreams in a matter of days... I know from experience that there aren’t enough words or sentiment that I could send her family that would even begin to ease their pain so I’ll not make out that I even tried, it goes without saying that no parent should outlive their child.

My pain was from watching my daughters’ reaction to the news that we had to break to her on Wednesday night, the school had sent home a letter to the parents confirming the news and highlighted that the school had yet to make an official announcement to the children and wanted us to speak and inform our kids first. There had been talk and rumour flying around the playground that day from children whose parents were friends of Holly’s parents, but they didn’t fully understand what was being said to them. That night my wife (and better half) D and I kept looking at each other without saying anything, both knowing we had to brooch the subject but not knowing when, we waited till after dinner and before dessert, hoping the promise of something sweet and yummy might dull the sadness... it didn’t. It took some explaining to Paige before she grasped what was being told to her, her eyes welled up and she started to cry now fearful that other people she loves were going to die, including us, her sister, other friends and her grand parents... I hate not being able to make certain pains and realities go away... I hated those that feel violence and threats of death are the only answer... I hated the fact that my innocent children had to know and feel the hurt that comes from the death of a friend at such a young age, but kids are resilient, they bounce back like nothing had happened. My Paige’s first thought was to draw a picture of her friend that also depicted how sad she was that her friend was no longer able to run around with her in the playground but by the time the picture was finished, my pleased little girl said that she would give the picture to Holly the next day to cheer her up which in return meant another bout of highlighting to her that Holly wasn’t going to be around anymore, more tears, more heartache.

The next day, all the children had been told about Holly and the kids grieved to the best of their understanding and ability... I picked my kids up from school that day and I witnessed the sadness on the faces of the children as they left the building and ran to their parents waiting arms, in desperate need of that embrace of security and protection that only a parent can give. By the time we reached home that day, Paige told her mum about how sad everyone was about Holly and that she would invite Holly to her birthday party to cheer her up... even with all the support of friends, teachers and parents... the reality to understand about life and death was above these young kids’ heads and I felt a lump in my throat as I pondered how many days would go by before my innocent little girl realised that Holly wouldn’t ever be returning to school so they could run around the playground together.

Xmas 2008

What can I say other than I can’t believe how long it’s been since my last blog... there are plenty of excuses but none that I should be using, it doesn’t take but a few minutes to jot something down and post it.

The second half of 2008 was a very negative time for me and those around me, I allowed myself to be de-motivated by the most insignificant reasons and has the year ended it was revealed to be a complete waste of time...a total anti climax to an arduous 6 months. No rhyme or reason to the madness, as random as random gets, up down up down, opportunities missed, favours lost, friendships dissolved and I look back and think was it really worth all that and the answer is ‘no’... if anyone is wondering what to get me for Christmas this year... I’ll take a dose of hindsight please, because lord knows it’s needed lol

I was asked if my usual Christmas disasters were happening to me... every year brings something bad, but at the time when I was asked, nothing had happened... I suppose the events leading up to that point were disastrous enough... but sure as eggs are eggs the next day my washing machine broke down... had to be something I guess. However, that was it that was the Christmas occurrence and in the grand scheme of things an easily fixed one at that, unlike the year before when anything and everything went wrong... including my boiler blowing up.

Anyway, I didn’t want to go into detail about the whole onslaught of negativity, the reasons and incidents do not deserve to get free public advertising and I really do not wish to relive them for the sake of making this entry longer... All I will say is this, I’m back to (hopefully) making regular entries, 2008 is over... roll on the opportunities that 2009 will bring, opportunities I do not intend to let slip by again.

Stay Frosty

Opinions - 29.05.08

Events happen in a person’s life from time to time that draws the interest of the people that have an interest in that person. Could be a birthday, a death, being fired, getting promoted, attracting a new partner or losing one… simple things that for a short while brings old names and unfamiliar faces out of the woodwork to dissect and explore avenues of your past and present. For those, like me, that are at the beginning of their path to branch out to the public world through the expression of media, those events happen a little more often.

I am slowing building a reputation in the writing world, my chosen genre is crime fiction but my background and associates also has me getting involved in True Crime books, compilation books and biographies. I do not sell myself on my past I only highlight it so those who wish to know about me and my work have a starting template to base a more informative opinion and at least acknowledge that I have some insight to that kind of world and therefore my written work has at least some measure of credit. I do not attempt to cash in on those that are more widely known to the general public and I have had of pleasure of being involved in their lives, I do not write about those who cannot answer back on the claims I may make and I do not force myself on to the public by being loud, brash and available for every and any public outlet so I can get my face out there. I am an easy going person, who likes his privacy yet also likes the company of friends, I have no interest in trying to control what is said about me on the internet etc I respect the fact that everyone will have a differing opinion to mine and has every right to air that opinion, I do not whine or threaten those that have said something I would deem negative about me, I am understanding of all criticism as long as what is being used to form that opinion is from fact and not hearsay, jealousy or ill informed strangers. Only one person knows me inside and out that could confirm, deny or debate facts about me and that person is me. So I always find it comical that very few people actually contact me direct to find out something but would rather speculate or bad mouth me to their peers without any input from their subject matter, there is a huge divide between those with an informed opinion and those that are just self opinionated. The internet, unfortunately, not only provides a platform for people to advertise their selves but also acts as a soapbox for those that would rather point a finger with a black and white attitude rather than seeing the splendour that grey can offer if they just took a step back to see the bigger picture.

The latest event that seems to have brought me the attention of others is the fact that I have agreed to help a young man write his biography and publish it through a newly formed business partnership with Jamie O’Keefe and New Breed books. The young man in question is having the credibility of his life events challenged by a handful of people that fall under the same categories I listed above. In return, my future in the writing/publishing game is being denounced because I would choose to take on such a subject matter, and the seriousness of my reputation as a True Crime writer (which I have a limited interest in being) will be severely harmed. It is said that my client has no story, that he has not done anything of importance, that the events he does proclaim to be actual proceedings are lies, the reasoning behind wanting a book about himself out is for notoriety and prosperity rather than remorse for a supposed fable life. The motives of my client for wanting his story told are his own, the concept that was pitched to me was interesting, emotional, comical and remorseful, the people involved in a number of the escapades described have been contacted and aspects of the stories confirmed by those either Jamie or myself personally know. I am in possession of documented evidence that backs the claims on those particular incidences and I have newspaper clippings that support others. Even if his life story was just based on the facts already confirmed this would prove to be an interesting book to read for those that have an interest in lives that have been lived rather than ones that have to be lived through others.

As a writer, the challenge of creating a piece that captures the reader’s attention and unfolds a person’s story at the right pace and believable tone is what will make a writers reputation, to be able to take the mundane and produce the sublime, to make an everyday occurrence of crossing the road to go grocery shopping sound like an adventure of wonder and mystery. I believe that gift will determine how my future in the literacy world will unfold and be interpreted by my readers no matter whom or what the subject matter is.

Nevertheless, I have already stated that everyone is entitled to air their opinion even if that does generate negative feedback before the product has been created, and I for one am grateful that people do because even negative feedback acts as a catalyst for interest, for every 1 person that questions its credibility, 10 more will be interested in reading it to see what the commotion is about and the beauty is that for every person that could confirm if it is a lie or not there are tens of thousands that would have no idea and there lies the flaw in True Crime. People will accept what they are told to be true until someone comes forward to query what has been printed and the only way that critic’s ramblings will be considered is if they too were present at the time of events being questioned. This in turn creates interest from people who then want to read that persons account of that particular event and about the rest of their life, it is a domino effect that a lot of True Crime subjects both play and rely on to generate that notoriety and prosperity that my client is being accused of seeking. Of course, the beauty of True Crime is there are not many in a rush to come forward and be acknowledged for being involved in that way of life, not everyone from a criminal background wants to be thrust into the public eye for scrutiny and judgement like their retied associates that now have very little to lose. The same critic’s of my client, happily stand behind another subject matter of the True Crime genre that in turns has their own group of people that question their version of events and produce negative feedback on their lives and work and so on and so on, each person depicted in a book will have their own followers and disbelievers, it is the way of human nature to find something to disagree on but it is those that know and accept this that I am truly in awe of because they can accept and weigh up both sides, choose their side and just get on with their lives without acting like a sheep and listen to someone else’s biased opinion and claim it for their own because they cannot make up their own mind.

It has been asked (not directly to me mind but openly to others that do not know me) who the f*ck I am, what have I supposed to have done, who am I related to and what bearing does my background have on my work. I personally do not see the constructive point of these types of questions, who am I? I am me, who I am related to and where I am from have very little relevance to what I write as a Crime FICTION author and as for the work I produce for compilation books etc, my past speaks for itself within its contents, the biographies I am getting involved with are not based on me but of clients seeking the services of a writer to help produce their life story so who am I plays no part in being a factor.

People and their opinions, what else can you say on the matter? Constructive criticism will always be accepted by me whereas destructive comments will always be used as a point of fuel for my rants and ramblings… there is a positive in every negative; it’s whether or not you are experienced enough to see it and wise enough to use it.

Stay frosty