
Opinions - 29.05.08

Events happen in a person’s life from time to time that draws the interest of the people that have an interest in that person. Could be a birthday, a death, being fired, getting promoted, attracting a new partner or losing one… simple things that for a short while brings old names and unfamiliar faces out of the woodwork to dissect and explore avenues of your past and present. For those, like me, that are at the beginning of their path to branch out to the public world through the expression of media, those events happen a little more often.

I am slowing building a reputation in the writing world, my chosen genre is crime fiction but my background and associates also has me getting involved in True Crime books, compilation books and biographies. I do not sell myself on my past I only highlight it so those who wish to know about me and my work have a starting template to base a more informative opinion and at least acknowledge that I have some insight to that kind of world and therefore my written work has at least some measure of credit. I do not attempt to cash in on those that are more widely known to the general public and I have had of pleasure of being involved in their lives, I do not write about those who cannot answer back on the claims I may make and I do not force myself on to the public by being loud, brash and available for every and any public outlet so I can get my face out there. I am an easy going person, who likes his privacy yet also likes the company of friends, I have no interest in trying to control what is said about me on the internet etc I respect the fact that everyone will have a differing opinion to mine and has every right to air that opinion, I do not whine or threaten those that have said something I would deem negative about me, I am understanding of all criticism as long as what is being used to form that opinion is from fact and not hearsay, jealousy or ill informed strangers. Only one person knows me inside and out that could confirm, deny or debate facts about me and that person is me. So I always find it comical that very few people actually contact me direct to find out something but would rather speculate or bad mouth me to their peers without any input from their subject matter, there is a huge divide between those with an informed opinion and those that are just self opinionated. The internet, unfortunately, not only provides a platform for people to advertise their selves but also acts as a soapbox for those that would rather point a finger with a black and white attitude rather than seeing the splendour that grey can offer if they just took a step back to see the bigger picture.

The latest event that seems to have brought me the attention of others is the fact that I have agreed to help a young man write his biography and publish it through a newly formed business partnership with Jamie O’Keefe and New Breed books. The young man in question is having the credibility of his life events challenged by a handful of people that fall under the same categories I listed above. In return, my future in the writing/publishing game is being denounced because I would choose to take on such a subject matter, and the seriousness of my reputation as a True Crime writer (which I have a limited interest in being) will be severely harmed. It is said that my client has no story, that he has not done anything of importance, that the events he does proclaim to be actual proceedings are lies, the reasoning behind wanting a book about himself out is for notoriety and prosperity rather than remorse for a supposed fable life. The motives of my client for wanting his story told are his own, the concept that was pitched to me was interesting, emotional, comical and remorseful, the people involved in a number of the escapades described have been contacted and aspects of the stories confirmed by those either Jamie or myself personally know. I am in possession of documented evidence that backs the claims on those particular incidences and I have newspaper clippings that support others. Even if his life story was just based on the facts already confirmed this would prove to be an interesting book to read for those that have an interest in lives that have been lived rather than ones that have to be lived through others.

As a writer, the challenge of creating a piece that captures the reader’s attention and unfolds a person’s story at the right pace and believable tone is what will make a writers reputation, to be able to take the mundane and produce the sublime, to make an everyday occurrence of crossing the road to go grocery shopping sound like an adventure of wonder and mystery. I believe that gift will determine how my future in the literacy world will unfold and be interpreted by my readers no matter whom or what the subject matter is.

Nevertheless, I have already stated that everyone is entitled to air their opinion even if that does generate negative feedback before the product has been created, and I for one am grateful that people do because even negative feedback acts as a catalyst for interest, for every 1 person that questions its credibility, 10 more will be interested in reading it to see what the commotion is about and the beauty is that for every person that could confirm if it is a lie or not there are tens of thousands that would have no idea and there lies the flaw in True Crime. People will accept what they are told to be true until someone comes forward to query what has been printed and the only way that critic’s ramblings will be considered is if they too were present at the time of events being questioned. This in turn creates interest from people who then want to read that persons account of that particular event and about the rest of their life, it is a domino effect that a lot of True Crime subjects both play and rely on to generate that notoriety and prosperity that my client is being accused of seeking. Of course, the beauty of True Crime is there are not many in a rush to come forward and be acknowledged for being involved in that way of life, not everyone from a criminal background wants to be thrust into the public eye for scrutiny and judgement like their retied associates that now have very little to lose. The same critic’s of my client, happily stand behind another subject matter of the True Crime genre that in turns has their own group of people that question their version of events and produce negative feedback on their lives and work and so on and so on, each person depicted in a book will have their own followers and disbelievers, it is the way of human nature to find something to disagree on but it is those that know and accept this that I am truly in awe of because they can accept and weigh up both sides, choose their side and just get on with their lives without acting like a sheep and listen to someone else’s biased opinion and claim it for their own because they cannot make up their own mind.

It has been asked (not directly to me mind but openly to others that do not know me) who the f*ck I am, what have I supposed to have done, who am I related to and what bearing does my background have on my work. I personally do not see the constructive point of these types of questions, who am I? I am me, who I am related to and where I am from have very little relevance to what I write as a Crime FICTION author and as for the work I produce for compilation books etc, my past speaks for itself within its contents, the biographies I am getting involved with are not based on me but of clients seeking the services of a writer to help produce their life story so who am I plays no part in being a factor.

People and their opinions, what else can you say on the matter? Constructive criticism will always be accepted by me whereas destructive comments will always be used as a point of fuel for my rants and ramblings… there is a positive in every negative; it’s whether or not you are experienced enough to see it and wise enough to use it.

Stay frosty

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