
Ranking...by Paul Knight

Paul Knight getting you to link to his book in style...

I first would like to give a shout out to the ‘Cyber Babes’ for all their support and promoting of my novel. You guys not only set the standard in the PSP tagging community but also show what team work is all about. Many Thanks!!!

Since putting the word out I have had this strange curiosity how I am faring in the Google Search Engine results. So I typed in my name ‘Paul Knight’ and hit ‘Search’. My name and book popped up at number 10 on ‘The web’ option out of 23,700,000.

However, type in ‘Paul Knight’ and hit ‘Search’ for just ‘The UK’ option and my name and book pop’s up at number 8 out of 1,710,000. Which can’t be bad.

Type in the title ‘Coding of a concrete animal’ and I’m Number one, a small victory I know but still…it all helps.

But on another note…type in ‘Big Paulie Walnuts’ and I rank NO.3 on the web and numbers 1& 2 on the UK.

At this rate, by the time the book is released, I could rank number 1 in all the searches…

My fifteen minutes of fame is fast approaching (again) – like I have said before, I have lived a whole other life before becoming the law abiding figure that presents these blog’s to you and this time I may have to take advantage of it and make it last a little longer.

The mystery that is me continues…

I know this entry comes across a tad random and a touch egotistical but you gotta ride the wave…to be honest, I am more impressed with myself that I actually finished a project…the last achievement (family not included) I succeeded in was passing my Masters Degree while working on average 11 hours a day for seven years…in a corruptible environment, granted it wasn’t a 2.1 but I did pass. Getting that certificate felt good and gave me a sense of accomplishment for a few brief moments because lord knows I have yet to find how having an MBA as helped my working life or career development. We all know it’s who you know not what you know!

On the subject of my past and books (a weak link I know), I have just finished reading ‘Meeting the Guv’nor’ by Alan Mortlock. Al is known as the “pirate promoter” because of the stigma that still goes hand in hand with the unlicensed boxing circuit (people fail to understand that it’s called ‘unlicensed’ because it’s not sanctioned by the boxing board and not because it’s illegal). In truth, Alan is a well experienced boxing trainer and promoter who runs the IBA and should be commended for not only turning his life around through Jesus but for also the awesome shows he and his fighters put on…you should make a point to catch one. A few of my friends and family have fought for Alan over the years and none of them have ever said a bad word about him or the way he runs his business.

Anyway, I wanted to read his book because Alan was born and raised in the same neck of the woods I was brought up in, drank and visited the same haunts, all the same night clubs and ran the same snooker / boxing club I used to go to. ‘Hayden’s’ was where I went to spar with some up-and-coming fighters in the nineties, just to stay in shape, and it was there that I got a chance to go a few rounds with Scott Welch, before he went on to win the heavyweight title.

Another young chap (at the time) who used to knock the heavy bag around when I was at Hayden’s was Jamie Mclean, the son of the legendary Lenny Mclean. Jamie has grown to become the spitting image of his old man and I hope he is still living the way Lenny would have wanted him to.

So if you want to know what kind of background I came from, read this book and you’ll get the idea…although I’m 10 years younger than Alan (no offence if you read this), we still moved in the same circles…only I was probably wheeling and dealing with the offspring / younger siblings of the villains he was rubbing shoulders with.

That’s it for this one…stay frosty.


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