
The next chapter...by Paul Knight

This is the book cover of 'Coding of a concrete animal' by Paul Knight

When looking into the world of POD (Print On Demand), I found that there was more than a fair share of cheaply produced books with no marketing or professional input. The next range of printers offered a little bit more but were not very clear in their pricing what was included and seemed to be happy to hide the small print regarding the extras. The higher range of companies I found were very much upfront but lacked the customer services skills that was required for newbie's into this field…all except one, Troubador. I found their responses, fast and concise and they were the only company that encouraged you to get other quotes. They confidently admitted that they were not the cheapest but they did produce the best quality work and when you are trying to get your first novel out there, presentation is what it is all about.

Jeremy (from Troubador) was and has maintained to be a complete star, he as been extremely helpful and as offered advice on the overall finished product. Troubador, also as their own publishing division, called t2, which is where I asked for my manuscript to be sent for consideration.

Although t2 have yet to tell me one way or another, Matador (a subsidiary of Troubador) offered a publishing partnership with me on my first venture…If I can get enough interest on this first one then hopefully a larger publishing house will be interested to take me on for the sequels (you heard me right, sequels…I have so many tales to tell…all fiction of course, because how would I, a PSP tagger and all round nice guy have any insight to such goings on???).

If anyone out there can get a campaign going that will help me sell 100,000 copies then I am all ears…(It will have an International ISBN number…so anyone can order it through their respected suppliers, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones etc).

If a love cheat can be ratted out worldwide from a friendly email to a work colleague or a film clip of a chimp peeing in his own mouth can become an inbox star or a guy can get his partner to agree to a threesome if his web site gets x amount of hits or a film can have hardly any media attention but still become one of the most eagerly released box office titles (Snakes on the Plane) all thanks to the power of the internet. Then surely there is hope for me yet to hit such a measly target when there are billions of users that have the power to spread the word….wouldn't you agree?

Anyway, back to my entry into the realms of publishing…Luckily, I could design my own front cover (and save myself £300 or $550) and had a couple of people spend a month proof reading it for me for free (saving yet another £700 - $1200). My biggest challenge was getting those in my circle, who feature heavily in my book or should I say characters based on them, to be okay with me writing about the subject matter in question. They might not be top of the criminal food chain but an unsolved crime is still just that…unsolved. A lot of answers could be found by those searching for answers in this publication…those who are heavy in to the folk lore could have a field day deciphering the clues and piecing the puzzle together. It's the Di Vinci code only easier to read and not as complicated to understand… (Just how gutted was everyone who rushed to buy his second title only to find out it had nothing to do with his last one…If I'm not mistaken, it was set in the military…come to think both his following titles were…I could be wrong, they may of come before Di Vinci, I'm not much of a reader so I couldn't honestly say this is the case…I'm a big enough guy to admit if I'm wrong).

My first sequel is into its 5th chapter and I got to warn ya that this one is dark…American Psycho kind of dark (only without the rat pipe…that will mean more to the book fans than the movie fans), because it centres on the decade where the main character, Billy Michaels, goes through a very violent, unflinching time in his life whilst working in the Entertainment Security industry…It ain't going to be pretty folks…but still, that's the sequel and getting the first one out into the public eye.

I'll keep you updated

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